
Pentacomps operations up against SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.


In the current situation caused by the pandemic, Pentacomp is fully prepared both organizationally and technically for uninterrupted provision of services.

We have adapted the procedures ensuring business continuity to the prevailing conditions. Our priority is to provide safe working conditions for our employees as well as safe conditions for cooperation with our clients.

  • Management decided to transfer all employees to remote work mode.
  • People who don’t have a possibility to work from home use the office space. Everyone keeps safe distance and follows the other safety rules.
  • The necessary disinfectants and gloves are available for employees in all Pentacomp offices.
  • We regularly inform our employees about the recommendations and guidelines of the Polish State Sanitary Inspection and the Minister of Health regarding the rules of conduct to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  • Business meetings are conducted remotely using secure, remote communication tools.
  • We supervise our clients’ IT infrastructure remotely, using verified methods, procedures and technologies.

Furthermore we would like to emphasize that Pentacomp maintains full preparedness to cooperate. As a result of actions taken by our management and employees, the quality and scope of rendered services remains unchanged.