TV Ratings

Power BI for Media Data Analysis

TV Ratings is a warehouse based analytical system collecting and processing media data from several sources like Nielsen’s TV panel, streaming logs and content metadata. It handle vast data volumes and model them for effective reporting.

This effective analytical tool transforms data into information and information into knowledge necessary for better understanding of the business and making accurate strategic decisions.

Choose TV Ratings


For fast access to a comprehensive set of data.


For dashboards with results of complex interrelated analyses presented in an understandable manner.


For insights into real viewer behavior and preferences.


As a support for business decisions regarding programs, broadcasting, and viewership planning.


As a foundation for strategic decision-making for a more successful media business.

Take advantage of the TV Ratings’ benefits

  • Uncover seasonality, long-term viewership trends and models for monthly, weekly viewership sums, daily deviations and hourly variability
  • Analyse of TV viewership data to facilitate effective management and strategy formulation in the media industry.
  • Identify external factors that might impact viewership, such as weather conditions, sports and political events.
  • Reduce the time it takes to transform data into actionable insights and make decisions more quickly.
  • Generate reports comparing actual viewership with planned data.
  • Track trends and conduct comparative analysis of media groups, channels, and programs.

Why Pentacomp?

  • Our offer includes not only technical expertise but also domain knowledge in viewership KPIs and broadcast metadata.
  • Our clients are able to predict upcoming trends and monitor viewership plans.
  • We assist in organizing data from varied sources.
  • We support our clients in the requirement gathering and analysis phase.