Data Warehouses

Construction and maintenance of data warehouses

We use PentaHD to create Data Warehouses: an original package of components and applications built on Microsoft SQL Server technology. Our tool provides an environment for building and managing ETL processes and metadata. 

PentaHD supplements the Integration Services module available under the SQL Server license. It provides easy-to-use components, mechanisms for aggregate refreshing and calculation, and eliminates limitations in controlling the ETL process using metadata. It effectively streamlines the implementation of Data Warehouse solutions and supports their maintenance and development.

Comprehensive support in the implementation and maintenance of HD

HD power supply

  • Extracting data from tables
  • Loading data from files
  • Data Transformation
  • Handling errors in the data
  • Aggregating and calculating data

HD maintenance

  • Tracking the processing status
  • Controlling the process of handling incorrect data
  • Reviewing and modifying system parameters

Learn about our competences in the area of Data Warehouses.

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