Electronic Medical Documentation Repository

Repository EDM

The EDM Repository helps collect, store, and share large amounts of medical data. It provides access to documentation from a single system, facilitating data control and verification and supporting electronic documentation management. The solution complies with international IHE XDS.b HL7 FHIR and HL7 CDA standards.

Medical Documentation Management System


The EDM Repository stores selected types of medical documents and makes them available for exchange within the P1 System or with medical entities.





The EDM Repository can be integrated with any office or hospital system.



The repository is responsible for retrieving EDMs created in other medical entities via the P1 System.


Take advantage of the EDM Repository

  • We offer a solution that complies with data exchange principles, security, and confidentiality of medical documents.
  • We propose the implementation of an innovative EDM Repository developed through Pentacomp experts’ years of experience and collaboration in e-Health projects.
  • We provide comprehensive support during the implementation phase, ongoing service, and integration with other IT tools.

Contact an expert


Michał Paluch

Product Manager for the e-Health Sector
+48 531 548 304 HEALTH@PENTACOMP.PL