Security testing of web, mobile, and desktop applications

We identify weak points that are particularly vulnerable to threats

Identification of weak points that are particularly vulnerable to threats. Testing of web, mobile, and desktop applications is conducted from the perspective of a potential attacker, using Black Box and Grey Box methods. Black Box testing refers to tests conducted without knowledge of the system, while Grey Box testing involves partial knowledge of the system, allowing access to accounts and documentation.

The testing process complies with OWASP organization guidelines, considering the OWASP Top 10 list of most common threats and CWE/SANS Top 25 Weaknesses. Elements of the PTES and OSSTMM methodologies are also utilized during testing.



Advantages of conducting tests

Identification of weak points

A security audit helps identify the potential threats and weak points in IT infrastructure.




Increased network security

Network security ensures protection of data that may be sensitive or pose a threat to the company if disclosed by unauthorized individuals.

Increased stakeholder trust

Taking care of infrastructure security builds trust among potential customers.